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"Come quickly, come quickly, I am drinking stars"

The Truffle Man and The Bubble Diva host an amazing Champagne Lunch for Open Haven.

It is not often that the element of most enjoyment at a friend’s home is how many bottles of champagne you “break the top off" at lunch. But so it was at the recent My Giving Table “champagne long lunch” hosted by Amanda The Bubble Diva and her husband Philippe The Truffle Man to raise much needed funds for the charity Open Haven .

The fine, unique and some would say “smashing” art of Sabrage; literally slicing the top off a champagne bottle with a sabre, was the cherry on top of an outstanding meal enjoyed with great company on the deck on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

We started the day with Champagne served with a slice of truffle, a wonderful way to experience the late season Western Australian truffle as it delicately infused the Champagne, before enjoying an outstanding French inspired 4 course meal. Many of the courses had elements of their own or neighbors' gardens, from the delicate basil flowers which topped the warm zucchini souffle with red capsicum sauce, to the local lemons and eggs in the Corsican cheesecake, the entire meal was a triumph.

A tiny “cappuccino" of organic beetroot and parmesan crisp starter was an absolute treat and the beautifully pink duck breast with winter vegetables and porcini mushrooms were delicious.

It was a lunch which has certainly raised the bar but, in the end, it really was all about that ornate sword and visions of soldiers riding off to battle with a sword in one hand, a bottle of champagne in the other and a broken-hearted sweetheart left behind at the vineyard gate.

What was it Sir Winston Churchill said? “in victory we deserve it, and in defeat we need it”.

Each guest in turn enjoyed the romance and adventure of Sabrage, some with trepidation and multiple attempts, some, as the day worn on and the champagne flowed, with flourish and bravado, as Amanda delighted us all with her stories and knowledge of this king of the wine world.

It is rumored, that the Dom Perignon, the Benedictine monk, who accidentally bottled a white wine while it was still fermenting creating bubbles within the wine, is said to have called out to his fellow monks "come quickly, come quickly, I am drinking stars".

The lunch was enjoyed all the more for knowing that not only had all of us enjoyed an amazing food and champagne experience, but in doing so we had raised around $1000 for Open Haven and their new proposed hub that will continue to support women to get their lives back on track after experiencing domestic violence.

If you are interested to join our fabulous guests and hosts and help raise valuable funds for charities in our community please reach out and leave your details at My Giving Table.

The smiles on the day say it all.

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