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Dare to Dream and Live Without Fear

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

This week saw me attending a couple of wonderful charity focused events about town, as we race towards the end of 2021 and some much needed rest and relaxation.... there is one last push to get out and network, to look back and be proud of what's been achieved and what is still to be done.

Firstly, the thankyou party of the Lord Mayors Charitable Trust, hosted by Mayor Adrian Schrinner and Lady Mayoress Nina Schrinner the evening was a thankyou for people who have contributed to community fundraising for the Trust this year. I was fortunate to help in raising $18000 for the trust with an auction prize donated to the LMCT Gala in collaboration with Nicole Beasley Luxury Travel , Adagold Aviation and our own Whitehaven Event Co for a weekend experience to the Whitsundays, so was lucky to get an invite.

It is clear that demands are mounting on the community charity sector in Brisbane- a sobering 1 in 7 facing imminent closure of services due to lack of funding. The question our Lady Mayoress Nina Schrinner asked, in the face of the charity sectors uncertain future, at a time when services are more needed than ever is "Who will pick up the shortfall when valuable community charities fail? Who will fill the holes and gaps and support those who require these front line services when State and Federal governments are already stretched to the limit?" The answer is simply us. Those of us that have all we really need, have the ability to give to someone who needs a hand. If you wake every day in a safe home, with food to eat and people who love you,

then what more do you really need?

A favourite event in Brisbane's fundraising calendar, the Women's Network Australia Christmas Charity Luncheon, was held later in the week. It is a well looked forward to event by women in the Brisbane business community. Thanks to the tireless efforts of outgoing CEO Janelle Bostock incoming CEO Cheryl Gray and their team, the day was a great success. Raising $20000 on the day for Women's Legal Service Queensland and for Dancing CEO Jo Sainsbury from Kick Ass Women to start off her CEOs fundraising campaign.

The theme was "Dare to Dream" and the centerpiece at each table represented the dream of a woman who had sought WLSQ's help.

Our table's quote "My dream is to no longer be fearful, to no longer hold back, to take a risk and walk on the wild side"

There were some shocking statistics to take in on the day, shared by Kristen Podagiel the interim CEO of WLSQ.

Women fleeing abusive relationships require an average of 14 attempts before succeeding and finding a safe way out. One of the initial contact points for women is the WLSQ emergency hotline that gives support and advice on how to remove themselves and their children from a violent situation. The rate of demand is increasing and the service gets overwhelmed to the point that 30% of calls going unanswered, due to lack of resources. These are calls that are often made at a crisis point in an escalating situation and often it will be the only chance a woman gets to reach out for help. I cant imagine what it must feel like to be looking for help under those circumstances and not be unable to get through to someone, when you get a safe moment to make the call.

The result is that many women and children are left in dangerous and frightening situations for longer than necessary, a delay that can be fatal. With one woman being murdered at the hands of a partner each week in our country, this truly is a life and death situation and why raising funds for this service is critical.

Women's Legal Service is a charity close to my heart and I am incredibly humbled to have recently been asked to be an ambassador for the organisation. It was wonderful to be in this room of so many generous and good hearted people and to host a table with some of our special My Giving Table friends, including Amanda Camm, Shadow Minister for Women's Economic Security, Child Protection and for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence.

The week ended with a very proud moment for me, as I write this blog a single My Giving Table event has today raised over $24000 for Open Haven, another valuable local charity. That puts funds raised directly via a My Giving Table event in the first few months of us "going live" to over $50 000. Would you like to join the fun and see how much your "party with a purpose" can contribute?

With the new team of CEOs selected and preparing to take to the stage next May we are ramping up our My Giving Table, Dancing CEOs Campaign, to add to their fundraising efforts.

Its easy to add your support - all you need to do is register to host a "party with a purpose" by selecting a date and time and ticket price, invite friends to join you at your party and raise funds for your favourite CEO. Scan the QR code below to go directly to the registration page- Dancing CEOs Campaign, or reach out and ask me about how easy it is to share the love.

"To make life a little better for people less fortunate than you. That's what I think a good life is. One lives not just for oneself, but for one's community" Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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