Carolyn Vincent
In 2025, Carolyn Vincent will celebrate her milestone 60th birthday by embracing a bold challenge: completing six courageous activities outside her comfort zone. One of these includes stepping into the spotlight as part of Dancing CEOs 2025.
Carolyn is a passionate philanthropist and founder of the Ubuntu Foundation, which she established in 2019. Her dedication to philanthropy stems from her childhood in India, where she was deeply moved by the stark inequalities she witnessed. This experience sparked a lifelong commitment to questioning privilege and championing fairness.
This drive is rooted in her life journey—growing up in a close-knit neighborhood in Mumbai, only to later experience disconnection during her 22 years of marriage in Australia. Having lived through both connected and disconnected experiences, Carolyn firmly believes that many of today’s societal challenges can be addressed by rebuilding genuine relationships and support networks.
Before dedicating herself to philanthropy, Carolyn founded and ran the highly successful Brisbane-based business Luggage Direct. She is also a proud mother of three and grandmother to three, cherishing every moment spent with her family.
Want to support Calolyn? Simply choose a date for your dinner party, or join in on all the other hosts and host your dinner party on Saturday 3rd May, 2025.
It's as simple as cooking a meal with your family and/or friends. Add a charitable twist by setting a ticket price for your guests - every donation is tax deductible.